module documentation

Implementation of TimeDriver to convert floating-point POSIX timestamps into timezone-aware datetimes.

Although at runtime this module uses datetime.datetime objects, its type hints use the datetype library to ensure that all values have the correct type of tzinfo. This driver will not work with arbitrary datetime.timezone zones, only zoneinfo.ZoneInfo zones, as IANA timezone identifiers are required for reliable long-term serialization across DST boundaries.
Class DateTimeDriver Driver based on ZoneInfo-aware datetimes.
Function guessLocalZone Attempt to determine the IANA timezone identifier for the local system using a variety of heuristics.
Constant _PS_TZ_CMD Undocumented
Variable _guessedZone Undocumented
def guessLocalZone() -> ZoneInfo: (source)

Attempt to determine the IANA timezone identifier for the local system using a variety of heuristics.

_PS_TZ_CMD: str = (source)


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