package documentation

Schedule repeated invocations of a function, indicating how many steps have been passed so that the repeated calls may catch up to real time to preserve timing accuracy when timers cannot always be invoked promptly.

Package rules The fritter.repeat.rules package contains various implementations of fritter.boundaries.RecurrenceRule.


Class Async An Async wraps an AsyncDriver and provides an implementation of repeatedly which:
Class Repeater A Repeater can call a RepeatingWork function repeatedly.
Function repeatedly Create a Repeater and call its repeat method. This is a utility function for use when you have a simple repetition set up on a scheduler that accepts a baseline 0-argument callable, and does not require any ...
Type Variable RepeatingWhatT A TypeVar for Repeater to reference a specific type of RepeatingWork.
Class _AsyncStopper An implementation of Cancellable which can stop the repetition kicked off by Async.repeatedly.
RepeatingWhatT = (source)

A TypeVar for Repeater to reference a specific type of RepeatingWork.

def repeatedly(scheduler: Scheduler[WhenT, Callable[[], None], object], work: RepeatingWork[StepsT], rule: RecurrenceRule[WhenT, StepsT]): (source)

Create a Repeater and call its repeat method. This is a utility function for use when you have a simple repetition set up on a scheduler that accepts a baseline 0-argument callable, and does not require any conversion.